CinemATL Podcast - June 2018: TAG and Atlanta Movies

We're going old school this month, with an audio-only version of the Podcast. So listen up!

"Tag" is the latest Atlanta-filmed movie currently out in theaters. Find out our thoughts on this comedic tale of 5 men playing a 30-year long game of tag... And, of course, our monthly catch-up of what's happening in the Georgia film & TV industry.

In this episode we also...
* Share our Georgia-lensed films
* Discuss some new TV and film productions in Atlanta
* Play the movie game once again
* And much more!

Our Stitcher page:

Tweet us @CinemATL, @badger33 (Mike) or @Martay_ReelOne (Martin) -- and SHARE this as much as possible!

As always, thanks to Eureka Failure for providing the music for this month's podcast!

You can still catch this Podcast on YouTube. The visuals are a little bland, but if you want to give it a listen, it's all there...